Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I have not updated this thing in over a month. Not because I'm busy, but rather because I'm too lazy. I haven't been doing much of anything than playing games and working. Which is pretty lame actually...I don't know the last time I actually went out with Amanda. It sad I know.

Well hopefully this will get me back in the kick of blogging again.

MY LAPTOP IS AFK FOR TOO LONG. I have no idea whats going on with it. It broke. I sent it in. Its now MIA. Dell needs to get on this like now or they will face my wrath.

Speaking of wrath I have reread all of my FMA mangas. Best manga ever. I just found out that the new one won't be out until may. :(

Soooo what else...not too much but there probably is I just haven't been updating in the time that I remember. Fail.

Also Dom if you are reading this, I don't care if its boring. Its still more awesome than you can imagine...Although it is rather boring context I make it interesting with my wit and style. SO SUCK IT.



Sunday, November 2, 2008


The cell phase. The monstrously large creature...Image via WikipediaWhoo-ah. Nothing yet again. Haven't had to work that much this week....or at all since Wednesday. Don't work until Tuesday. Which is fine with me.

So in the mean time I have been playing a lot of games. Including Dead Space[Beat], TF2[Always], and Spore [Beatish]. Spore is much better on a computer that actually is able to run it. I'm still banned from xbox btw. So for TF2 I have been using Amanda's account. Odd enough I only bought a one month LIVE thing for it...about 3 months ago I think. I'm not sure if it just doesn't count if you never use it or what but as long as I still have some while I'm banned I'm ok with it. I think I might start playing my awesome Viva Pinata game again.

I have gotten to hang out with Amanda a good bit this week too. I think at least three nights in a row...Thats cool. We spent Halloween together handing out candy on her gram's front porch. Fun fun. I got free kit kats.

Thats it. Lame I know.


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Saturday, October 25, 2008


Isaac battles a NecromorphImage via WikipediaWork is really starting to make me mad. I don't have to work right now. I don't need money. Why am I working? This is stupid. The only time I spend money is to GO TO WORK.

Anyway. I got banned from XBL AGAIN >:(. This is the third time. I still have no idea why. If it is from user feedback why haven't my other friends who pwn people and have horrible rep on TF2 get banned too? Its racist that's why.

Yesterday I got my laptop. Didn't get to mess with it that much though BECAUSE I HAD TO WORK. So I'm using it a good bit today. I like it. I don't know what the big deal is with Vista. It works just fine for me. If I have any problems I will be sure to blog about them though. I thought this thing would come packed with the free software but they actually sent it in a separate disc. So I don't have to waste my time taking everything off. I did take MacAfee or whatever it is called. The security program, my mom's laptop came with it and when I used it I had a horrible time doing simple things. It trys to block everything you try to access or download. Including games that you put in it. "ALERT!! The virus 'HALO.exe' IS TRYING TO EFF YOU UP! WOULD YOU LIKE US TO STOP IT?" No asshole I don't. Fortunately it was a lot easier to get off than I thought it would be.

So since everyone is playing Fable 2 and I'm banned from XBL I have been playing more Dead Space. Not so much Viva Pinata. No real reason. Just figured I can beat this game and get it done and over with. Then I will move to VP.

Soooo I think thats it. I work tomorrow, Monday, and Wednesday next this week.


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Sunday, October 19, 2008


Dead Space guyImage by oed via FlickrMan it has been a while since I got a free moment. I have been pretty busy lately. With work and Amanda. Unfortunately more work than Amanda. I am on my own at the registers at Sears now. Which means I should know everything about them, fyi I don't at all.

In the spare time I do get, which like I said is not is not much, I did the usual. Watch my shows [Chuck, Heroes, Fringe, My Name is Earl, and House..actually haven't watched that yet but I am about to.] and played TF2. Speaking of TF2 the community that I am a part of has started blooming more. Which I am really excited about. We are having weekly gaming practices [or goofing off sessions] every saturday. The site has a new 'achievement' system, which is pretty cool. Looking forward to seeing what else Elestian and Phaethon have up there sleeve.

Other games I have been playing include Viva Pinata:Trouble in Paradise. Now people always laugh at me when I say that but if anyone actually takes the time to play it 9/10 times they do like the game as well. Its a good game. I bought that...uhhh about a week ago with my first paycheck. Today I bought another game called Dead Space. Haven't played it more than 10 minutes yet, mom has asked me to do a bunch of stupid random work.

One more thing is that tomorrow will be a year that Amanda and I have been dating. I am very happy with her and I love her so much. I hope we have more years together to come.

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Saturday, October 4, 2008

No handlebars

The current Nintendo Power logo.Image via Wikipedia Ughhhh I officially hate work. Started work at Sears on Monday. Did pretty much nothing interesting for about 4 hours. I was in hardware. Helped take apart some stupid floor thingy...idk. Then on Wed. I was again in hardware, still didn't do much. Took some christmas stuff out of boxes. Thats about it. Now I'm going again today at 8:45 to 3:00. Whoo. I wouldn't mind it but as a cashier I don't really get a chance to sit down at all. I can't stand standing in one spot for too long. Also I've been sick every day I've work. So that didn't help, today I'm finally feeling better. But hey on the bright side they have Squirt on sale in the employee break room. Awesome I never see that anywhere.

School. Uhh I'm selling [<---Typed on 10/04/08] [Typed today 10/05/08---->] magazines for school, prom specifically. The more stuff we sell the more crap we get for prom decorations and w.e. If you are insane at selling this stuff you get rewards like free prom tickets. I'm probably not going to sell much because I'm not really going to try. I am going to sell at least one...to me. I need to resubscribe to Nintendo Power. I miss reading those and this would be the best opportunity to subscribe again.

Yesterday I worked from 8:45 to 3. It was actually somewhat busy that day. Then again it was the first weekend day I worked so. Nothing really exciting happened though. Came home from there. Went to amanda's and picked up some subs I ordered and just went home to sleep.

Then I have done the usually [for me] Which includes: TF2, Internet, Nothing.

Next weeks work schedule

Min: OFF
Tues: OFF
Wed: OFF
Thur: OFF
Fri: OFF
Sat: OFF

I would type more but I don't feel like it right now

Hop around and say "Cow bells and blue bells"


Now playing: Flobots - Handlebars
via FoxyTunes

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Friday, September 26, 2008

Super Jail

The Office (U.S.Image via WikipediaHello there. Nothing new and or exciting happening yet again this week besides the usual. Watched The Office of course and was very happy to see that back on. Still need to watch My Name is Earl though...I might do that tonight. Also I am about to watch the new [adult swim] show Super Jail. Saw the pilot for this and it was pretty good.

Did get to play halo 3 this week since my online friend Phaethon was playing it. Got a couple of new achievements for that. More like 3 but that's ok must of the new ones you can't get yet. Still playing TF2 but since there have been less people online at the same time it hasn't been as fun as it was. Oh and I did get unbanned from Xbox LIVE early. Probably because they realize that they are retarded and I shouldn't have been banned.

School. School always has something going on whether I want to admit it or not. I always luck out. Almost every day I have at least one class where I do absolutely nothing. This year has been REALLY slow and easy for me. Today we had a meeting about collage help...well woohoo too bad I am already accepted at Penn Tech and obviously do not need help. So I had to sit through that for 45 minutes. Two of my teachers were not in school today. One of them I actually would prefer if he was there. The other not so much. I have to get a permission slip signed to watch a R rated movie. How gay is that? I am old enough to go see the movie alone in theaters why can't we just watch it on our own in class? There are too many butt scenes in Beowulf that's why.

Obviously I have seen amanda every day from school, but I don't think we have actually gone anywhere this week...Anyway. I think that's it for now

Oh wait I almost forgot. I got my hotel room for Comic Con already. Yay!
Later Gater


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Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Chuck (TV series)Image via WikipediaNot too much going. Hasn't really been that long since I last posted. Bored I guess. Went to nanny's for a day and got to hang out with my aunt and uncle. Didn't really do much else over the weekend. Then yesterday was awesome. The new season of Heroes came on NBC. So I pretty much sat there and watched the preshow...then the first episode...then the second episode. All together a total of 3 hours of heroes. Awesomeness. And this week I still have Fringe and the office to watch. More awesome. Then NEXT week chuck is back [time to wear my nerd herd shirt.]

Thats pretty much it. Watch heroes. Do it. Oh yea also new blog tool. See how it works.


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Friday, September 19, 2008


Busy week. I had to go to get a haircut, drug test, and eye doctor at either 3 or 3:30 after school almost every day. Lame. Which mean i had to drive to school about every day this week and get a parking pass for 20 bucks. Lame so I only had a couple of bucks for lunch this week. Today was the haircut and I went to getgo and used the advantage card on my keys and I got 12 gallons of gas for $5.11. Awesome

Got to hang out with amanda a good amount. That was cool too.

On the negative side. I got banned from xbox live...AGAIN. This time I got pissed [more] and called them. Turns out you can get banned from people reporting you. I honestly don't do anything wrong it is from people getting mad at me kicking there asses and report me.

Oh well I have been playing on amanda's account.

Oh man 5 11 is my birthday too. Awesome


Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Blah school. Its actually not that bad this year. I only have two classes with moderate work involved, french and english [damn languages]. My web page class is retarded and takes the class forever so I looked ahead and read most of the book and I'm now looking into the web based java stuff. That's fun.

Got a job :( I hate working. I haven't started yet but I should be soon. Its at Sears as a cashier. Hooray. Have gone to a crap load of places recently for random stuff. I don't like going places besides school...well I don't like going there either but I have to.

Not much else going on. Nobody plays tf2 with me anymore :(


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Charles Ofdensen

Not too much happened since last time I updated. School is done for week one. Still do not like school at all. It needs to die. We had a talk about blah blah PSSA we won those. I got advanced on both. Wasn't hard at all, thats what she said. Looking forward to my web design class. Already know a good bit just from messing around at home with codes.

I think I am ungrounded now but who knows with my mom. At least I am allowed to play my xbox now. Did it anyway before but now I'm actually ALLOWED to. Played a little bit of TF2. Everyone seems to be playing something else recently. I have been playing more of mario kart. Which I still have not beaten completely yet, fail. Amanda had surgery, I was worried but she is just fine it was only for something small.

I think thats it...oh yea AND IF THEY KILL CHARLES I WILL BE MAD.

stop killing people


Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Ok so I have been semi busy I guess. Mom and I have pretty much just been getting on each other nerves again. Over the weekend she freaked out over the internet thing and we both agreed it would be better if I went to nanny's for a while. So I did. Played some old school Xbox arcade game with my peeps and pwned at it. It is always more fun with your friends. Did some work as well just so I could get money for pretty much just gas.

Came home and dropped peaty off then went up to amanda's grams for a picnic. Pretty much just sat there and watched her siblings act crazy. Its amusing since i do not have any siblings. Stayed until around idk 9ish? Then went home to deal with mom. Blah Blah.

And then HOORAY. School. I do not like school at all. I just don't. My schedule on paper looks fine [minus nutrition one...wtf?] but I don't have a lot of classes with people that I can at least talk to. I'm stuck with all juniors in my french class and I only know pretty much one of them from band. But w/e I will live I guess.

Today was my second day and it was about as exciting as yesterday.

In other news, I'm thinking about making a new section of my blog for TF2 talk alone. If there is actually anyone reading this I am part of the most awesome community of TF2 players. I'm almost positive that if the main "members" played against pretty much any one, we will win. We are just good at the game. We know from experience what every player does including our teammates. We have a friend who doesn't talk for god's sake and we know what he is going to do almost every time. We are just that awesome. Check out the website that two of the guys made.


Well thats it for now.


Now playing: LCD Soundsystem - 45:33
via FoxyTunes

Friday, August 29, 2008

:( 24

Monday, August 25, 2008

Jefferson alive

Busy week for once. My friend from new york came down to visit for a week. I haven't seen him in like 2 years. We had a good time. Went to lakemont, rode go carts [i won of course] played wii and i won. We did..well I guess I got lost a couple of times getting to and from the park but thats ok. Then we met up with my mom to go to hershey.

Hershey park was really fun we rode every rollercoaster in the park. Making sure that we waited to get in the front car. Good times.

Slept on the floor since there was only two beds so i slept on the floor for two nights, wasn't that bad. Then we just kinda hung out at nannys for the last couple of days. He went back on the train today to go back to new york.

So that was my week. I haven't seen amanda in a while...that sucks.


Monday, August 18, 2008

Still alive

No not the portal song. I dont really have anything to type here im just making a quick update

Also too late to blog about comic con but it was freaking awesome. Definitely going to try to go again next year.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Comic-Con pre post

Once again this is a late post. But oh well. Not that many people would even notice it anyway. I actually did some stuffs this week. I hung out with amanda at the mall someday before i left for nannys. Not too sure of when. Bought gears of war. Shit i still owe amanda 5 bucks for that...anyway. Then I left the day after to go do some work for nanny. Didn't get anything done the first day since we didn't really have the stuff we needed. So I just went over to brads. Took my xbox over and we played gears for a good bit on co-op. Then around 4 we went to go pick up his gf. Then blah blah blah drive back to brads and we watched some good movies. We watched...uhh grandma's boy and then ...i think it was just a little bit of top secret and then I had to head back over to nanny's. Then the next day it rained so once again we did pretty much nothing for the day. Oh and btw my aunt's dog Boomer was at nanny's. Him and brad do not get along so brad didn't hang out at nanny's for very long if at all. Then the next day I actually started getting some work done. I mowed a steep bank and weedeated some of the yard when brad came over then he cleaned out the gutters while I pulled weeds in the flower beds. I think that is all we did for that day.

The next day i continued working on the back steps, just scrubbing them off. Then brad came over and we powerwashed my paps 3 lawnmowers and 4 wheeler. We started at about 12 30 and didn't finish until about 3. Then we fiddled around with the pool pump when pap decided that we didn't clean anything. He is just like my mom. So fuck him. He then attempted to do it himself and then got caught up on saying that the hose is busted [worked fine for us] So it leaks a little. What hose doesn't? Whatever you say pap.

Then I learned that fluffy was in johnstown and made my way back home. Walked over to see amanda at the park for a bit until i made plans with fluffy. Took me a little bit to remember where exactly he lived. I did get a little lost but I was only about two streets off. Which isn't bad when you consider I haven't been to his house in over a year. Then we...I drove him to wal mart. Talking about wiis and how gay fluffy is on the way. I got some controllers for both my wii and xbox. I needed some anyway. After we got to my house it was already like 9 30. So he spent the night here. Our night mostly contained playing SSBB Halo TF2 Gears and watching some RvB. We pretty muched did that until 9 this morning [yes with no sleep] Then I just got to tired and he actually beat me one time in SSBB. So I thought it was time for him to leave. I then proceeded to take about a 3 hour nap. Played some xbox. Ate some corn and hamburgers. Walked over and hung out with amanda at her job until about 10. And now im here playing more xbox. Fun fun.


Good night Irene


Thursday, July 10, 2008


There is absolutely nothing new with me thats going on. No amanda. No major chores. No going to nanny's. Just me playing FE and TF2.

Thats it.


Saturday, July 5, 2008

No more light

Hey not too much to really talk about even though I haven't posted in forever. I have just been pretty much playing The Orange Box and Fire Emblem. Besides that nothing too exciting.

Started clearing out my room yesterday to start painting. Drove all over the place getting primer and paint and more primer and paint brushes. Argued with my mom because she is "stressed". She just complains that she is too fat to move up and down stairs. Well try damnit. Watched the fix of course. VERY sad about Death Note. WHO KILLS THE MAIN CHARACTER YOU MEAN FUCKS. The slept, or not rather, on the couch.

Got up at like nine with about 4 hours of sleep. Not cool. Painted my room some more then ate then took a nap. Semi finished painting then after playing some TF2. Now I just have to do some touch ups and I'm done. Get on xbox. WTF BANNED!?!?!?!?!?!?! HOW
GAY IS THAT!!!! I honestly have no idea what the fuck happened it just says inappropriate content. Well if you don't tell me what I did chances are I'm going to do it again XBOX. Fuck that I will just play on Amanda's name. She needs some achievements. So that goes away on the 8th. Which isn't too bad I guess. But I hate not knowing what the hell I did to deserve that.

So thats about it. I guess I will go finish painting now.



EDIT: Oh yea and I got my acceptance letter from Penn Tech today. So thats cool.

Now playing: Feadz - b2 lt replay
via FoxyTunes

Monday, June 30, 2008

Vroom vroom

Last night was...interesting.

Lets start with the day though. I played fire emblem.

Okay onto the night now. Amanda and I went to the movies to see the love guru. It was pretty good. I liked it. Not really sure how amanda felt about it though...hmm. Then since she didn't want to go home yet we decided to go to wal-mart for a bit. While we were there I saw no name. I haven't seen her in like 10 years so that was nice. She was with some large creature though...Anywho then I saw Aubree and her boyfriend Captian Caveman. So that was nice I haven't seen Aubree since school and I haven't seen Cpt. Caveman since like football some football game at the school. Then we walked around for a bit. I got the orange box...again, since my piece of crap xbox ate the first one. So blah blah blah it is now like 10:10...I have to have amanda back by 10:30. I didn't want to get her in trouble again so I tried to rush a little bit

Well lady fucking dah I go 50 for maybe oh idk 20 secs and of course a cop caught me. Great oh and where do I get pulled over at? In front of amanda's house. Super. It was 10:30 though so I still won. Blah blah blah I get some bs ticket that isn't really a speeding ticket. Works for me. No points and less money. But not enough less money.

Dave's wallet:
Initial: 80
Movie: -17
Game: -42
TICKET: -108
Final balance: -87 :( :( :( :( WTF GAY

Was not too happy about last night. I didn't feel like doing anything when I got home. So I went to bed...I did watch the venture brothers but that was it.


Not much. I seem to take breaks every other day from excitement. I needed it today. I played fire emblem mostly. A little orange box until it got to laggy to handle. Then i went to drop off mom's 5 bags of xxl clothes at goodwill. Which took me longer to find than it should have. More game playing. Then amanda is at the park. So I start walking over to see her and down the ally comes mom.
"Where do you think you are going?"
"*sigh* the park."
"Oh well I need you to run into numero uno's for me to pick up the pizza."
"*sigh* whatever."
Then we go to giant eagle...wtf I guess I need to get her tea too. Then we proceed to numero uno's. In the meantime she informs me that I fail at life because I was suppose to get a receipt at goodwill. Well too fucking bad who cares. Get the pizza get home then eat like 5 slices out of 8. Played fire emblem for like 20 mins the I was just too tired so I took a nap until mom was kind enough to wake me at 9. Rest of the time until now I was playing fire emblem. Again. I like to play new games until I beat them. Sorry world.

Thats it..I'm done.

No its not the Home School Fools


Saturday, June 28, 2008


Late but here.

Hmm on Friday I got up and played super smash bros for like a half hour until nanny got home with subway. Mmmm subway. Not exactly how i would have made it with but it wasn't bad. After that nanny put me to work yet again. Brad was suppose to be there at 10 to help but he wasn't so I did it on my own. [all i did was screw the curtain hooks back in don't really know why brad needed to be there to help but w/e]Took down the tape that i put up on the walls and told nanny that she sucks at painting and missed a couple of spots on the wall. Then I went out to mow...again...but this time it was nanny's yard. Hooray. Went out there got on the thing, had no idea which way to go [there is too much crap to go around to make a perfect path...such as the apple tree, the locust tree, the pool, the house, the well, the other bushy tree, the use to be flag pole, the fence, the birch tree, the tree thats having a party in the middle of the front yard.] So blah blah ...oh noes its going to rain and I'm not done...oh wait no the rain ran away. Went around a couple times then made my lap around the well AND "WTF OWWWWWWWW" [steers mower all over the yard] Oh joy I just got stung by a bee in the wrist while mowing. Fun times. I haven't gotten stung by a bee in a while and I'm glad. That fucking hurt for like 3 secs. Anywayyyyyy finished mowing then got payed by nanny then zoomed home in the storm. Doing so with a broken windshield wiper, it decides to go up and come done...half way. So if its not moving it stays pretty much right in the middle of the windshield blocking my view. So I had to set that sucker to full blast so I could see.

Came home and sat for a little while doing who knows what, then amanda asks what I was up to and if I wanted to meet her at the mall..sure I would like that. Get a shower and stuff try to call mom to tell her I'm leaving but she didn't answer/call back. So I just to leave. On the way out mom calls my phone asking me wtf I wanted. "Where are you?" "Home?" "Oh, I didn't know you would be home today." "yeah..." "Well what did you want?" "can i go to the mall..?" "Sure, I would go on Eisenhower though downtown is really busy." "Oh ok where arby's is? [not really]" "Yea. I have to go my Dracula is dying" it went somewhat like that. So I went the long way around because of moms advice. WHICH FUCKING SUCKED. I got stuck in traffic around the first car dealership along Eisenhower. No surprise as Harley Davidson is RIGHT down the street and it was currently thundering in the valley. So I was stuck there for a while in non moving traffic. Then amanda called saying that "oh hey I'm leaving the mall now..." [me sitting behind a big truck and still not moving] "WHAT so I drove in this for nothing?!" "Yea sorry..." "Ugh well I'm still going." "OK i might be here still"
Well that sucks I wanted to see her. Then she texts me saying she is in Boscov's [do not know how to spell that oh well.]

So I pull into Boscov's and look around for her..ok well she probably already left. I call her. "oh I'm in a;sfjklsadf;ljd" "where?" "Debadkflandsf" [starts walking BACK to boscov's" "I'm in boscov's now where are you?" "oh in a store by sears" "...what?! i just walked the whole way back here for no reason?" "yea...sorry." then she gets sad because she thought I was mad at her. I really wasn't I kinda wasn't having a very "ON" day. I was just getting tired of it. Then after making her stop crying [which took like 2 secs for me...yes I'm that good] we walked around the mall with barto for a little bit. Then barto stopped to talk to ben...blah blah bored...then I decide to fake hug barto to cough in her face. HAH TAKE THAT!! Then SHE STILL TALKS AWAY FOREVER WTF. Amanda tries on some interesting hat in spencer's. She actually looked good in it. Then after barto takes forever I pick up the display Airzooka and turn barto around and BLAM RIGHT IN THE FACE AHAHAHAHAHA! I win. Then barto leaves [yay] and amanda and I go into Gamestop.

Hmm I have money now so I should get something I have wanted for a while. Wii fit! Nope sold out..Not surprising...hmmm Mario kart! Nope sold out until end of july, WTF JULY GAY. Hmmm idk what else to get. Amanda is just dancing around randomly kissing me idk what she was up to lol. SCHENIVING. Did see the harvey birdman game there..but eh not on the top of my list. Oh hey! Fire emblem! Then bought that while amanda had to go find barto and leave me. I was then informed to go to barto's house at 5 to go to a game. Oh ok idc. So amanda gives me a good bye kiss...twice...right in front of the cashier while I'm paying her. Oh well I like kisses lol.

So then I go over to the book store to see if there are any mangas for me. And of course there weren't. So I figured I call mom to tell her what was going on. And I'm in the middle of the plot of my adventure telling when amanda poofs out of thin air. Then she tells me she can stay...oh ok. Call back mom. At this point she is just like w.e don't care be home by 9. Works for me. So I dawdle around the book store with amanda. She tells me to read some other boring stuff that is boring. No thank you. Then she goes to her section of the store. She picks out a book and I buy it for her, as a small birthday gift. Still need a card though...

Then we had to go to barto's brother's baseball game. Ok fine with me. I was following amanda since I have no idea where I'm going. AMANDA DRIVES INSANELY. She takes the craziest routes to go nowhere I swear. Our destination was downtown. We are on the highway. She doesn't get off the franklin street exit...wtf? Then we go AROUND the war memorial. Into downtown. Then onto Napoleon. WTF. Oh well. Then we get to barto's and barto scoots inside. Then comes back out. Then goes back in....WTF? Then amanda leaves...OK? I follow and Amanda calls and says go home. So I did.


I still have today to blog!!! HOORAY.

Played Fire Emblem all day and watched some [adult swim] video.


EDIT: Oh yea and I watched Cloverfield today. Mom didn't like it. Screw her. I did.

Why didn't he just take Ken?

Who knows


Now playing: Cassius - The Sound Of Violence (Cosmo Vitelli Remix)
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Show some compassion.

Well lets see...yesterday I did what?...Oh yea nothing. I got up at like 12 with a pretty bad sore throat then did pretty much nothing else but drive over here [nanny's] with peanut. I played like 20 mins off WiiPlay and then I went to bed.

Last night I could not sleep at all. I used like 40 tissues last night. And drank a bottle of water throughout the night. Then at idk when I started having weird dreams and talked to myself a little. I wasn't nice to me either lol.

Then I got up at like 8:30 to go to Willamsport with Nanny. That took about 2 hours, all I did was listen to my ipod and cough and blow my nose a thousand more times [actually used up a who tissue box.] Then we stopped and ate at ruby tuesday's since we were like an hour and a half early. For nanny...thats really unusual. I had the poop eating fish...yes the poop eating fish. I had that last time i was at a ruby Tuesday's and it was really good. This time...I have no idea how it was because I can't f*ucking taste anything.

Then we drove over to the actual college. Handed in my application and then waited for about another half hour. Didn't really have much to do at that time but reply to melony on facebook. Then finally we started on the tour. Pretty much the same basic stuff I heard from the first trip there. Nanny felt the need to make friends with everyone there which is better than having mom with me and her negative comments about EVERYTHING. So blah blah blah watch a movie blah blah blah drive back to nanny's.

Once I got back here I pretty much just layed around [I am sick you know]. Played a little my life as a king, some WiiPlay again, and now I'm sitting here typing this and watching ripley's believe it or not.

Thats pretty much it. I would like to say I'm sorry again to amanda..Today was her birthday and I wasn't around. [even though she said it was ok about a month ago.]



Sunday, June 22, 2008

screw summer colds

Alright well today was not too bad. I didn't play any video games today [boring I know] I spent most of my free time online doing who knows what. I did go to Amanda's little brothers baseball game. First started the day by stepping in a muddy ditch and making my sock all brown. Hooray. Ate some chili dogs and made fun of her other brother mostly but it was fun. I wiped my ridiculasness all over Amanda's back...who knows. Apparently I now need to shave every day :(.

After that Amanda took me home in her tiny car that smashes my knees against the dashboard. Then I just sat around. Filled out an application for Circuit City and checked some online stuffers. Oh I did download last fm, don't know why but hey w.e. Then Amanda told me that she was at the park so I went over there and pushed her down a hill because she sent her sister to be evil and tickle me when I wasn't paying attention. Thanks Hannah. After Amanda's mom and sis left I walked Amanda around the park and tickled her a bunch. Thats always a hoot.

After that mom called and told me that she made steaks and I had to go home....hooray steaks for dinner....again. Thats all she knows how to make. Half the time she burns it anyway.

Now all day my throat has gotten worse and worse and I'm either dying or have a summer cold. What an ass I don't even get sick. I don't mind being sick but the sore throat thing drives me insane. I hate it so much...

Anyway that was my boring day. Tomorrow I'm off to Nanny's and then I'm going to Willamsport...to do something...with collage...I don't really know to be honest. Oh well.

This blog is pretty boring. Oh yea and I got stuck watching cops shooting a bear. 8,000 views in one day. Good job Claysburg.

And the winner is...


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Xbox live