Sunday, November 2, 2008


The cell phase. The monstrously large creature...Image via WikipediaWhoo-ah. Nothing yet again. Haven't had to work that much this week....or at all since Wednesday. Don't work until Tuesday. Which is fine with me.

So in the mean time I have been playing a lot of games. Including Dead Space[Beat], TF2[Always], and Spore [Beatish]. Spore is much better on a computer that actually is able to run it. I'm still banned from xbox btw. So for TF2 I have been using Amanda's account. Odd enough I only bought a one month LIVE thing for it...about 3 months ago I think. I'm not sure if it just doesn't count if you never use it or what but as long as I still have some while I'm banned I'm ok with it. I think I might start playing my awesome Viva Pinata game again.

I have gotten to hang out with Amanda a good bit this week too. I think at least three nights in a row...Thats cool. We spent Halloween together handing out candy on her gram's front porch. Fun fun. I got free kit kats.

Thats it. Lame I know.


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