Saturday, October 25, 2008


Isaac battles a NecromorphImage via WikipediaWork is really starting to make me mad. I don't have to work right now. I don't need money. Why am I working? This is stupid. The only time I spend money is to GO TO WORK.

Anyway. I got banned from XBL AGAIN >:(. This is the third time. I still have no idea why. If it is from user feedback why haven't my other friends who pwn people and have horrible rep on TF2 get banned too? Its racist that's why.

Yesterday I got my laptop. Didn't get to mess with it that much though BECAUSE I HAD TO WORK. So I'm using it a good bit today. I like it. I don't know what the big deal is with Vista. It works just fine for me. If I have any problems I will be sure to blog about them though. I thought this thing would come packed with the free software but they actually sent it in a separate disc. So I don't have to waste my time taking everything off. I did take MacAfee or whatever it is called. The security program, my mom's laptop came with it and when I used it I had a horrible time doing simple things. It trys to block everything you try to access or download. Including games that you put in it. "ALERT!! The virus 'HALO.exe' IS TRYING TO EFF YOU UP! WOULD YOU LIKE US TO STOP IT?" No asshole I don't. Fortunately it was a lot easier to get off than I thought it would be.

So since everyone is playing Fable 2 and I'm banned from XBL I have been playing more Dead Space. Not so much Viva Pinata. No real reason. Just figured I can beat this game and get it done and over with. Then I will move to VP.

Soooo I think thats it. I work tomorrow, Monday, and Wednesday next this week.


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Sunday, October 19, 2008


Dead Space guyImage by oed via FlickrMan it has been a while since I got a free moment. I have been pretty busy lately. With work and Amanda. Unfortunately more work than Amanda. I am on my own at the registers at Sears now. Which means I should know everything about them, fyi I don't at all.

In the spare time I do get, which like I said is not is not much, I did the usual. Watch my shows [Chuck, Heroes, Fringe, My Name is Earl, and House..actually haven't watched that yet but I am about to.] and played TF2. Speaking of TF2 the community that I am a part of has started blooming more. Which I am really excited about. We are having weekly gaming practices [or goofing off sessions] every saturday. The site has a new 'achievement' system, which is pretty cool. Looking forward to seeing what else Elestian and Phaethon have up there sleeve.

Other games I have been playing include Viva Pinata:Trouble in Paradise. Now people always laugh at me when I say that but if anyone actually takes the time to play it 9/10 times they do like the game as well. Its a good game. I bought that...uhhh about a week ago with my first paycheck. Today I bought another game called Dead Space. Haven't played it more than 10 minutes yet, mom has asked me to do a bunch of stupid random work.

One more thing is that tomorrow will be a year that Amanda and I have been dating. I am very happy with her and I love her so much. I hope we have more years together to come.

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Saturday, October 4, 2008

No handlebars

The current Nintendo Power logo.Image via Wikipedia Ughhhh I officially hate work. Started work at Sears on Monday. Did pretty much nothing interesting for about 4 hours. I was in hardware. Helped take apart some stupid floor thingy...idk. Then on Wed. I was again in hardware, still didn't do much. Took some christmas stuff out of boxes. Thats about it. Now I'm going again today at 8:45 to 3:00. Whoo. I wouldn't mind it but as a cashier I don't really get a chance to sit down at all. I can't stand standing in one spot for too long. Also I've been sick every day I've work. So that didn't help, today I'm finally feeling better. But hey on the bright side they have Squirt on sale in the employee break room. Awesome I never see that anywhere.

School. Uhh I'm selling [<---Typed on 10/04/08] [Typed today 10/05/08---->] magazines for school, prom specifically. The more stuff we sell the more crap we get for prom decorations and w.e. If you are insane at selling this stuff you get rewards like free prom tickets. I'm probably not going to sell much because I'm not really going to try. I am going to sell at least me. I need to resubscribe to Nintendo Power. I miss reading those and this would be the best opportunity to subscribe again.

Yesterday I worked from 8:45 to 3. It was actually somewhat busy that day. Then again it was the first weekend day I worked so. Nothing really exciting happened though. Came home from there. Went to amanda's and picked up some subs I ordered and just went home to sleep.

Then I have done the usually [for me] Which includes: TF2, Internet, Nothing.

Next weeks work schedule

Min: OFF
Tues: OFF
Wed: OFF
Thur: OFF
Fri: OFF
Sat: OFF

I would type more but I don't feel like it right now

Hop around and say "Cow bells and blue bells"


Now playing: Flobots - Handlebars
via FoxyTunes

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