Saturday, June 28, 2008


Late but here.

Hmm on Friday I got up and played super smash bros for like a half hour until nanny got home with subway. Mmmm subway. Not exactly how i would have made it with but it wasn't bad. After that nanny put me to work yet again. Brad was suppose to be there at 10 to help but he wasn't so I did it on my own. [all i did was screw the curtain hooks back in don't really know why brad needed to be there to help but w/e]Took down the tape that i put up on the walls and told nanny that she sucks at painting and missed a couple of spots on the wall. Then I went out to mow...again...but this time it was nanny's yard. Hooray. Went out there got on the thing, had no idea which way to go [there is too much crap to go around to make a perfect path...such as the apple tree, the locust tree, the pool, the house, the well, the other bushy tree, the use to be flag pole, the fence, the birch tree, the tree thats having a party in the middle of the front yard.] So blah blah ...oh noes its going to rain and I'm not done...oh wait no the rain ran away. Went around a couple times then made my lap around the well AND "WTF OWWWWWWWW" [steers mower all over the yard] Oh joy I just got stung by a bee in the wrist while mowing. Fun times. I haven't gotten stung by a bee in a while and I'm glad. That fucking hurt for like 3 secs. Anywayyyyyy finished mowing then got payed by nanny then zoomed home in the storm. Doing so with a broken windshield wiper, it decides to go up and come done...half way. So if its not moving it stays pretty much right in the middle of the windshield blocking my view. So I had to set that sucker to full blast so I could see.

Came home and sat for a little while doing who knows what, then amanda asks what I was up to and if I wanted to meet her at the mall..sure I would like that. Get a shower and stuff try to call mom to tell her I'm leaving but she didn't answer/call back. So I just to leave. On the way out mom calls my phone asking me wtf I wanted. "Where are you?" "Home?" "Oh, I didn't know you would be home today." "yeah..." "Well what did you want?" "can i go to the mall..?" "Sure, I would go on Eisenhower though downtown is really busy." "Oh ok where arby's is? [not really]" "Yea. I have to go my Dracula is dying" it went somewhat like that. So I went the long way around because of moms advice. WHICH FUCKING SUCKED. I got stuck in traffic around the first car dealership along Eisenhower. No surprise as Harley Davidson is RIGHT down the street and it was currently thundering in the valley. So I was stuck there for a while in non moving traffic. Then amanda called saying that "oh hey I'm leaving the mall now..." [me sitting behind a big truck and still not moving] "WHAT so I drove in this for nothing?!" "Yea sorry..." "Ugh well I'm still going." "OK i might be here still"
Well that sucks I wanted to see her. Then she texts me saying she is in Boscov's [do not know how to spell that oh well.]

So I pull into Boscov's and look around for her..ok well she probably already left. I call her. "oh I'm in a;sfjklsadf;ljd" "where?" "Debadkflandsf" [starts walking BACK to boscov's" "I'm in boscov's now where are you?" "oh in a store by sears" "...what?! i just walked the whole way back here for no reason?" "yea...sorry." then she gets sad because she thought I was mad at her. I really wasn't I kinda wasn't having a very "ON" day. I was just getting tired of it. Then after making her stop crying [which took like 2 secs for me...yes I'm that good] we walked around the mall with barto for a little bit. Then barto stopped to talk to ben...blah blah bored...then I decide to fake hug barto to cough in her face. HAH TAKE THAT!! Then SHE STILL TALKS AWAY FOREVER WTF. Amanda tries on some interesting hat in spencer's. She actually looked good in it. Then after barto takes forever I pick up the display Airzooka and turn barto around and BLAM RIGHT IN THE FACE AHAHAHAHAHA! I win. Then barto leaves [yay] and amanda and I go into Gamestop.

Hmm I have money now so I should get something I have wanted for a while. Wii fit! Nope sold out..Not surprising...hmmm Mario kart! Nope sold out until end of july, WTF JULY GAY. Hmmm idk what else to get. Amanda is just dancing around randomly kissing me idk what she was up to lol. SCHENIVING. Did see the harvey birdman game there..but eh not on the top of my list. Oh hey! Fire emblem! Then bought that while amanda had to go find barto and leave me. I was then informed to go to barto's house at 5 to go to a game. Oh ok idc. So amanda gives me a good bye kiss...twice...right in front of the cashier while I'm paying her. Oh well I like kisses lol.

So then I go over to the book store to see if there are any mangas for me. And of course there weren't. So I figured I call mom to tell her what was going on. And I'm in the middle of the plot of my adventure telling when amanda poofs out of thin air. Then she tells me she can stay...oh ok. Call back mom. At this point she is just like w.e don't care be home by 9. Works for me. So I dawdle around the book store with amanda. She tells me to read some other boring stuff that is boring. No thank you. Then she goes to her section of the store. She picks out a book and I buy it for her, as a small birthday gift. Still need a card though...

Then we had to go to barto's brother's baseball game. Ok fine with me. I was following amanda since I have no idea where I'm going. AMANDA DRIVES INSANELY. She takes the craziest routes to go nowhere I swear. Our destination was downtown. We are on the highway. She doesn't get off the franklin street Then we go AROUND the war memorial. Into downtown. Then onto Napoleon. WTF. Oh well. Then we get to barto's and barto scoots inside. Then comes back out. Then goes back in....WTF? Then amanda leaves...OK? I follow and Amanda calls and says go home. So I did.


I still have today to blog!!! HOORAY.

Played Fire Emblem all day and watched some [adult swim] video.


EDIT: Oh yea and I watched Cloverfield today. Mom didn't like it. Screw her. I did.

Why didn't he just take Ken?

Who knows


Now playing: Cassius - The Sound Of Violence (Cosmo Vitelli Remix)
via FoxyTunes